Verifier Governance Proposals

Changes are made to existing Amplifier chain settings through community governance. You will need to submit a governance proposal to modify these settings.


Community Forum introduction

You will need to introduce your chain to the community in order for Axelar token holders to vote for your proposals. This should be done on the governance section of the Axelar Community Forum. Make a community introduction post that precedes and can be referenced by any on-chain proposals. It should include the following information:

  • Background
  • Governance details
  • Pre-deployed source chain gateway address
  • Plan for funding rewards pools

All of your on-chain proposals will refer back to this introduction, so make sure to be thorough. You should stay present and engage with any questions or comments during the seven-day feedback period, which can include public comments as well as a security council review. When the feedback period is over, submit your on-chain governance proposals to finish the integration of your chain.

Authorize verifiers with the service registry

Once the feedback period has passed, submit the proposal on the command line:

export SERVICE_REGISTRY_ADDRESS="axelar1qk00h5atutpsv900x202pxx42npjr9thg58dnqpa72f2p7m2luas9x8txw"
export VERIFIER_AXELAR_ADDRESS="axelar1ks5em0gmml0qjfek0msqm9pxcmawj54as65j5v"
export NETWORK_GOV_ADDRESS="axelar19vvhwq57656hqfczhxw3r874l29jtd3uns4fsu"
export RPC=""
axelard tx gov submit-proposal execute-contract $SERVICE_REGISTRY_ADDRESS \
    }' \
    --title="Change [chain name]'s verifier set" \
    --description="Change [chain name]'s verifier set" \
    --run-as $NETWORK_GOV_ADDRESS \
    --deposit=18uverifiers \
    --keyring-backend test \
    --from wallet \
    --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.007uamplifier \
    --chain-id=devnet-verifiers \
    --node $RPC
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